Branches of Government
There are four components of government that make up the spine of ASWSU: the Executive Branch, Legislative Branch, Judicial Board, and Election Board.

Executive Branch
The ASWSU Executive Staff, made up of 15 positions, including President and Vice President, serves to ensure that your voice is being heard on the Washington State University Pullman campus. Each position has a specific mission in order to help support the President and Vice President in succeeding to better the student experience.

Legislative Branch
The ASWSU Senate consists of 21 Senators representing each academic college, the Honors College, uncertified students, and students at large including two Freshman Delegates and an Administrative Assistant. Their purpose is to frequently discuss issues and concerns with their constituents as well as university administrators and gain consensus for all matters on behalf of the ASWSU. Additionally, the Senate is a financial resource for Registered Student Organizations through the Crimson and Gray Funding application. Registered Student Organizations can submit requests to the Senate in order to fund programs, events, and opportunities.
Decisions made by the Senate guide current and future actions of ASWSU. Senators and Delegates can amend the ASWSU Bylaws by writing and passing bills, or stating the opinion or intent of ASWSU through resolutions.

Judicial Board
The Judicial Board is made up of seven undergraduate members. Chaired by the Chief Justice, who is elected by the six associate justices, the Judicial Board’s duty is to enforce and clarify the ASWSU Constitution and Bylaws. The Chief Justice is to serve as mediator for disputes between staff members of ASWSU. The Chief Justice is also responsible to ensure the integrity of the Judicial Board as well as the Executive and the Senate are upheld. Together, all seven Justices are responsible for promoting the overall effectiveness of the Constitution and the Bylaws. All Justices are held to the highest standards so as to ensure that they are above reproach and able to best serve the school and the student body through the Associated Students of Washington State University.

Election Board
The Election Board works to provide a fair, transparent, and inclusive election process that brings the students of this campus to a common forum. They strive to see that each election bring the best leaders to discuss and address issues, increasing the level of debate and conversation on campus.