President and Vice President

Luke Deschenes

Luke Deschenes

ASWSU President

Maccabee Werndorf

Maccabee Werndorf

ASWSU Vice President

Executive Staff

Serving to improve the student experience through representation, advocacy, and opportunity.

Bailey Berger

Bailey Berger

Chief of Staff & Finance

Department of Communication 

The Department of Communication works to effectively communicate all events and opportunities for students to get involved on campus. If your group would like to collaborate with ASWSU, please reach out to one of our directors of communication.

Cooper Howe

Cooper Howe

Director of Communication

Nicole Allison

Nicole Allison

Deputy Director of Communication

Department of University Affairs

The Department of University Affairs works to improve the student experience by facilitating conversations with administration, planning events, and creating opportunities. 

Sophie Kirov

Sophie Kirov

Director of University Affairs

Sophia Schnell

Sophia Schnell

Deputy Director of Student and Academic Affairs

Kassandra Vogel

Kassandra Vogel

Deputy Director of Sustainability

Department of Community Affairs

The Director of Community Affairs acts as a liaison between the city of Pullman and the university in order to foster a mutually beneficial relationship. 

Sebastian Sanders

Sebastian Sanders

Director of Community Affairs

Department of Diversity, Inclusion, and Veteran Affairs

The Department of Diversity, Inclusion, and Veteran Affairs, aims to bring attention and resources to under represented groups on campus. 

Alvin Azana

Alvin Azana

Director of Diversity, Inclusion, and Veteran Affairs

JoJo Maestas

JoJo Maestas

Deputy Director of Diversity, Inclusion, and Veteran Affairs

Department of Health and Safety

The Department of Health and Safety works to provide health resources and pilot safety initiatives that will improve the well being of all students.

Bryce Becker

Bryce Becker

Director of Health & Safety